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Contaminated Vermiculite Insulation Removal in Halifax NS

Asbestos Abatement Limited protects you from vermiculite insulation contaminated with asbestos. Vermiculite, a mineral mostly mined in Montana and sold throughout North America, was widely used from 1919 to 1990. However, most of that vermiculite also contains dangerous asbestos. At Asbestos Abatement Limited, we specialize in the safe removal and disposal of vermiculite insulation. Our team of experienced and insured professionals follows strict protocols to ensure that the asbestos fibres are contained and do not become airborne during the vermiculite insulation removal process in Halifax. Contact us today to get a free quote on our services.

A picture of a building's framework.

Identifying Vermiculite Insulation

It can be difficult to identify vermiculite insulation in your home or business, but there are some signs that can indicate its presence.  Your property may be insulated with vermiculite if the insulation is:

  • Grey-brown or silver-gold in colour

  • Pebble shaped

  • Odourless

  • Fire-resistant

  • Lightweight

  • A dry pour-in insulation for attics and walls

Asbestos Abatement Limited Specializes in Vermiculite Insulation Removal

Stay away from vermiculite insulation because of its asbestos threat. Instead, call Asbestos Abatement Limited as your specialist in vermiculite insulation testing and removal. Our experienced team will safely remove and dispose of vermiculite insulation in your home and re-insulate it with blown-in cellulose. We take great care to ensure that our clients are fully protected during the entire process. Our goal is to eliminate the health hazards associated with vermiculite insulation while providing our clients with a safe and comfortable living or working environment.

Personnel performing asbestos abetment in a building.

Have a Vermiculite Insulation?

 It might contain asbestos which can cause respiratory diseases.

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